May: Refining SMART Goals, Action Plan, & Timeline
*Note: Please explore the resources prior to your May cohort meeting. While the resources are not required, they have been designed to assist you in getting the most out of this Certificate program, so we strongly recommend participating. Some of the videos may have been created during a previous cohort, so please disregard references to particular dates.
Theme for May: Action Plan and Timeline
This first video by instructor Wayde Oshiro provides an overview of the required and optional elements of your Action Plan and how you’ll be developing it over the next several months. Action Plan Overview Transcript Links to an external site.
- This Action Plan template Links to an external site. is pre-formatted for the 7 required elements.
- Here’s a non-editable Action Plan template Links to an external site. with examples.
- Your instructor will evaluate your Action Plan using this rubric Links to an external site..
- Your complete Action Plan is due Sept. 22. Upload it to Canvas.
- If you’d like to contribute all or part of your Action Plan to a CC BY-licensed document that will be shared publicly, add your materials to this template
Links to an external site.
This second video by instructor Jeanne Hoover introduces SMART Goals and discusses ways to develop them for your OER Action Plan. Please feel free to watch the video or read the overview Links to an external site.. After watching the video, see the SMART Goals Template Links to an external site. (please make a copy!) to start developing goals for your Action Plan.
In this final video for May, former instructor Elaine Thornton discusses the value of creating a timeline for the Action Plan. While there are no related activities for this video, please be prepared to discuss your preferred timeline tools and how your version of the project timeline and the timeline you provide your campus administrator might differ. Timeline resources: Timeline templates Links to an external site. folder in Google Drive Links to an external site..
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