DUE: GC Wk7 MIDTERM EXAM will be available from 12:01 am, 24 February 2025 - 11:55 pm 1 March 2025 (start by 10:00 p.m. on Saturday)
- Due Mar 1 at 11:59pm
- Points 400
- Questions 4
- Available Feb 24 at 12:01am - Mar 1 at 11:59pm
- Time Limit 160 Minutes
As mentioned in the comprehensive GC Midterm Exam Overview, this is an open-book exam. You may bring and use your texts, dictionary, thesaurus, a writing handbook, class handouts, notes, outlines, drafts, and memos. You may also use references and materials from your other classes and the web, with the caveat, of course, that you properly cite any sources you use.
- This Canvas quiz is timed! You will have 1-1/2 hours to take this essay exam. Canvas provides a timer so you know how much time is remaining once you start the quiz.
- Answer the FOUR questions that Canvas has randomly generated from the Midterm Exam Question Pool for you.
- Canvas will allow you to see all four questions at once and you can move back and forth among questions, if you would like.
- Save your work before leaving the question you are on. If you don't see all four questions, be sure to let me know.
- Refer to the Canvas: Students Quizzes Overview if you have question about how to access and take a Canvas quiz.
- Canvas will allow you to see all four questions at once and you can move back and forth among questions, if you would like.
Writing an Essay Response
Keep the following guidance in mind when answering exam essay questions:
- Organization:
- Your answer should include a beginning, a middle, and an end (sometimes also known as introduction, body, conclusion).
- Your answer should also provide general statements followed by specific examples.
- Note:
- This includes specific examples from class materials, when you make a statement.
- Refer to Discussions/Exams: Explaining generalities using specific examples for more information.
- Note:
- Answer the question(s) asked, and if there are two, three or more parts to a question, be sure to answer all of them. It is generally a good idea for each part to have at least one paragraph.
- Length:
- Using the tips above, most answers could be written in about a page and a half to two "normal" pages (double-spaced, one-inch margins, #11 or #12 font)—which is about 250-375 words.
Refer to the Midterm Exam Canvas Rubric for a list of specific grading criteria. In summary, your responses will be evaluated on the following criterion:
- Quality of essay Exam Answer:
- Relevance of answer to the question;
- Thoroughness of answer; including specific examples from class materials;
- Organization and logic of answer:
- Organization, Clarity, Tone/Style, Mechanics of writing (spelling, punctuation, grammar), & Proofreading
- Question: When will I know my score [grade]?
- Answer: I begin looking at your results when everyone has finished the exam during the regular exam window. I start the following day and continue until all exams have been reviewed. There can be as many as 75 to do, and that takes quite a bit of time; so have patience. However, if you do have a question about the exam or any of your questions, please e-mail troufs@d.umn.edu when you have the question.
Only registered, enrolled users can take graded quizzes