Course Syllabus
Welcome to the CEHD Canavs Instructor Training site. The purpose of this course is to prepare instructors to use Canvas whether they are teaching online, hybrid or face-to-face courses while serving as a continued resource while work in Canvas continues.
This course not only provides instructor tutorials but also models some means by which to use Canvas and its features.
For a personalized consult or to address questions that may not have been answered here, be sure to email DEI at
The following topics will be covered within this course.
Communicating and Collaborating
Additionally, this course has a module that allows participants to experience some aspects of Canvas as though they were students with example activities to serve as models.
Try Out The Activities of Canvas!
The course summary, directly below, is an automatically populated feature of Canvas and contains example content from the example module, Try Out The Activities of Canvas. Content is not due. Note, when assignments, discussions, quizzes, etc are assigned due dates that content will be listed within this Course Summary, within the To Do and Coming Up sectors and within the Calendar, all of which are valuable time savers for students.
Course Summary:
Date | Details | Due |