Course Syllabus



Course Overview

ApEc 1001 introduces students to curriculum offerings and helpful resources for students studying Applied Economics (ApEc) and Agricultural and Food Business Management (AFBM).  On Tuesdays, we will meet jointly with AFEE 1001, the orientation class for students in the Agricultural Education and Agricultural Communication and Marketing majors. Guest speakers will acquaint students with various topics within the discipline and with available resources at the University. 

Required Text

Habitudes, by Tim Elmore.

Attendance and Behavioral Expectations

 Class attendance is very important.  Please arrive on time.  Give attention and respect to your classmates, your instructor, and the guest speakers.  If you know you will miss class, you are to inform me in advance and I will excuse absences for legitimate reasons. Attendance will be taken.

 (U of MN policy on absences: 

Please put away your cell phone for the duration of the class period.  If you use a tablet or laptop during class, please use it only for the class (e.g., taking notes) and not for other purposes (e.g., social media, games, etc.). 

Please come in to see me during office hours if you have any questions, problems, or concerns with the class or your academic program.  I would like to do what I can to make your transition to your life as a student at the University of Minnesota a smooth one.


Please see the syllabus document for the standard statement on course requirements and for the course schedule.  Below, you will see the entire schedule for the course, including both topics for daily discussions and due dates for assignment.  The "Assignments" section provides information on assignments and their due dates.


Course Summary:

Date Details Due