Communicating and Collaborating
In Canvas there are multiple ways to communicate and collaborate with other users.
Users can hold Conversations to communicate, they can Chat, they can send emails. The Conversations feature is similar to email but contained within the system. To access conversations, you will need to do so through the Inbox in the main left hand navigation. From there, users can filter by course, and by new, sent, starred or important messages. Conversations can be replied to, forwarded, deleted and archived. Read more about Conversations Links to an external site..
Canvas includes a Chat tool that allows instructors and students to discuss via text in real time while online. Chat may be utilized for student study groups or for virtual office hours.
Collaboration is an important part of student learning and student engagement. Canvas allows multiple students to work together in the same document at the same time by integrating with Google Docs. This integration allows students to quickly and easily collaborate with their classmates who can view and edit within a document at the same time. The collaboration is then housed within Drive and can be accessed within the course site. Similarly, students can collaborate within any Page in Canvas by setting the option on editing a page to 'teachers and students'.
Canvas offers groups a place to collaborate and work together through the Group Space feature, a mini version of a course site that belongs to each student group. When you set up groups in Canvas, students automatically gain access to their group’s Group Space. Within a Group Space, group members can create their own homepage, discussions, upload and share files, make announcements to their group, and more. The Group Space feature facilitates robust group work among students. Instructors are given full access to the Group Spaces and are able to monitor and assess how the groups are working together throughout the semester. Group Spaces can be accessed via Assignments and Discussions that have been configured for groups, or via the global left-hand navigation panel (maroon left border) under Groups.
Explore these Canvas Features
Announcements Links to an external site.
Chat Links to an external site.
Automatic Collaborations in Google Links to an external site.