Course Syllabus

About the Course

Course Title: ENGR 1222 Introduction to Solid Modeling

Number of Credits: 2

Semester, Year: Fall, 2020

Lecture: Video lectures and lecture quizzes posted by Monday at 9am

Lab: Wednesdays, 8am to 9:50am Central time, on zoom,

Zoom Meeting ID: 444 483 0999

Final Exam time to be decided, a survey will be sent to you during the 6th week of classes.

Teaching Staff


Instructor: Abigail Clarke-Sather Phd

Pronouns: she/her

Terms of Address: Dr. Clarke-Sather, Professor Clarke-Sather, Dr. Abbie, Abbie (ask for permission before using my first name) in that order. Below is a website with an explanation why.

Phone: 218-726-8424

Email: (worst method to contact me)

Preferred method of contact: Canvas inbox, office hours, phone and voicemail

Online Office hours: Monday 10-11am, Friday 10-11am on zoom,

Zoom Meeting ID: 444 483 0999 or set up an appointment for another time by sending me a note via Canvas inbox


Teaching Assistants

Instructor: Jacob Fabro (8am Lab 002)


Preferred method of contact: Either a canvas message or via email

Office hours: Thursdays 1pm - 3pm Meeting ID: 927 412 9617


Instructor: Daniel Janasz (Noon Lab 003)


Preferred method of contact: Either a canvas message or via email

Office hours: Thursdays 3pm - 5pm Meeting ID: 572 698 9903


Brief Teaching Philosophy
Learning comes from doing. I will organize lessons and resources to help your learning journey. You have to do the lessons and activities and show up to class to learn and succeed. Students who participate in lab class are more likely to have higher grades and pass the Certified Solidworks Associate exam that is the final for this class. The skills we are working on are practical, once mastered you can list these skills on your resume. You will also apply your learning to a team project that you can put on your resume and talk to potential employers or internships about. This class is a safe sandbox to try and fail at your first attempt - reach out for help after failure. We are here to help you succeed. When in doubt, communicate with the us. Communication gives you the benefit of the doubt.

Course Description


Math 1296, Engr 1210 (co-registration allowed); Instructor approval; Credit will not be granted if credit has been received for: IE 1225, IE 2222

Course Introduction

This course will teach you the fundamentals of engineering design with an emphasis on understanding and creating engineering drawings. You will become proficient in using Solidworks by participating in individual and team modeling projects. 

Course Goals

When you successfully complete this course you will have learned the fundamentals of the engineering design process including prototyping, reading and making engineering drawings including orthographic projection, drawing views, dimensioning practices, and basic skills relating to operating SolidWorks computer aided design (CAD) software. You will apply your learning about engineering design, prototyping, and Solidworks in a real world team project that you can put on your resume. You will apply your learning about making engineering drawings and Solidworks in an individual project. Successful completion of this course will result in you receiving the Certified SolidWorks Associate (CSWA) Certification that you can put on your resume.

Course Outcomes

The BSIE/BSEM outcomes achieved and assessed by this course as follows:

  • An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering appropriate to a mechanical engineer. (a)
  • An ability to communicate effectively, including oral, written and visual forms. (g)
  • An ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for mechanical engineering practice. (k)

Course Format and Organization

Describe how the course is formatted and organized, including how you will use synchronous and/or asynchronous learning experiences. 


The lectures for this course are asynchronous. Lectures for the week will be available Monday morning on the Canvas week page (go to the home page and select the week of the course). You may watch the lecture videos at any time. Take notes while watching the lecture videos. Use those notes to finish the untimed lecture quiz before Friday at 8pm of that week.


The lab for this course is synchronous and scheduled for Wednesday 8-9:50am (Lab 002) or Wednesday Noon-1:50pm (Lab 003) on zoom

Zoom Meeting ID: 444 483 0999


Indicate what the weekly cadence will be; this helps students plan how they will interact with the course each week. You can present this information to students as simple text, for example:


Weekend: Work on Team and Individual projects.

Monday: Watch Lecture videos, take notes, take lecture quiz.

Tuesday: Watch all SolidProfessor videos for the week before lab.

Wednesday: During Lab - go over talking points, work in cohort, and work on Lab Quiz.

Thursday: Work on Team and Individual projects.

Friday: Lab Quiz is due by 8pm. Lecture Quiz is due by 8pm.

Course Materials

Canvas Site

Required and Optional Materials

  • See Canvas Week pages from homepage

Learning Technologies

  •  There is no textbook for this class, instead you will need to sign up for and pay for an account on using your campus email ( where I have curated material for you in the “Fall 2020 ENGR1222 Clarke-Sather” class, class code = ENGR1222Fall2020.


  • Final Grade Breakdown: The overall grade is based on a midterm exam, a team project, an individual project, lab assignments, lab quizzes, attendance, and a final exam. Be ready to actively participate!  Late assignments will be accepted but may not be graded until the end of the semester.  Exams will not be given late without prior approval at least 48 hours in advance of the exam.
    • Totals for the final grade are as follows:
# Points Total
Midterm Exam (Mini CSWA Exam) 15% 1 150
Final Exam (CSWA Exam) 20% 1 200
Project (Individual) 20% 1 200
Project (Team) 20% 1 200
Lab Assignments (SolidProfessor) 10% 10 100
Lab Quizzes 10% 10 100
Lecture Quiz 5% 10 50
Totals 100% 1000
  • Individual Project: This major assignment will challenge your drawing skills in part construction, assembly, material selection, drawing generation, and rendering.  Everything will be put together in a final report format and due on Canvas. The drawings for this project will be submitted in .pdf format.
    • Authorized Aids: You are encouraged to talk to your classmates and ask questions of instructors while working on the individual project. You need to create the parts yourself by yourself. At any time you may be asked to show your Solidworks part files to instructors. Failure to be able to show a file when requested will result in a zero for the entire Individual Project.
    • Unauthorized Aids: Any file you did not create 100% by yourself.
  • Team Project: This major assignment will challenge your engineering design skills and ability to collaborate. Your team of three to four students will compete to be able to prototype your 3D model.   Everything will be due on Canvas. 
    • Authorized Aids: You are encouraged to talk to your classmates and ask questions of instructors while working on the team project. You are expected to shoulder an equal amount of work as your teammates and have the opportunity to state your contribution to teamwork and evaluate each other’s contribution to the team which impacts your grade.
    • Unauthorized Aids: Any file your team did not create 100% by yourselves. Files from teams from previous semesters.
  • Lab Quizzes: These assignments will be given about once per week and will help you hone your solid modeling skills through practice. They will also help you create parts for the individual project.
    • Authorized Aids: You are encouraged to talk to your classmates and ask questions of instructors while working on lab quizzes. You need to create the parts yourself by yourself and at any time may be asked to show your lab quiz Solidworks part files by instructors. Failure to be able to show a file when requested will result in a zero for that quiz.
    • Unauthorized Aids: Any file you did not create 100% by yourself.
  • Lecture Quizzes: These assignments will be given about once per week and will test your retention of lecture concepts about engineering design, engineering graphics and related topics.
    • Authorized Aids: You are encouraged to take notes while watching lecture videos. You may use these notes while taking the lecture quizzes. You may rewatch the lecture videos once seeing a lecture quiz question, take notes and return to the quiz.
    • Unauthorized Aids: You are not allowed to discuss lecture quiz material or answers with your classmates.
  • Exams: The midterm is a half length exam modeled on the Certified Solidworks Associate (CSWA) exam and the final is the CSWA exam.
    • Authorized Aids: You may use Solidworks when working on these exams by yourself. All questions you must answer on your own. You may ask instructors for clarification during exams.
    • Unauthorized Aids: No other files of your own or others are allowed during exams. You are not allowed to discuss problems with any other students during exams.

Course Policies

  • Attendance: is mandatory during lab and exams. As an interactive course you will get the most out of it when you are present. About participation, attending class and actively listening is associated with better grades in class. 
  • All late work will be graded but not until the end of the semester. All work will be graded if turned in, because of instructor time late work will only be guaranteed to be graded at the end of the semester. Your canvas grade may not reflect your actual grade because of this.
  • Everyone must submit their own work for assignments and exams unless otherwise stated. Any assignments or exams that are copied from another’s work will be given zero credit. See the “Academic Integrity” topic in the “University Policies” section below.
  • Test Make-up Policy: If your schedule will not allow you to take midterm or final exams on the specified dates and times, you must make arrangement with the instructor to take your test 48 hours prior to the test date.  
  • Academic Integrity: Cheating on an assignment or an examination will result in an “F” with a score of 0 on the assignment or examination.  The policy of the University and the College of Science and Engineering will be followed, so that the incident will be officially reported. 
    • Unauthorized aids - Assignments: Any file you did not create 100% by yourself.
    • Unauthorized aids – Exams: Any file or resource not provided within the exam except the Solidworks program.
  • No audio/video recording or photos of lecture material is allowed without my permission. No sharing of any lecture materials provided on Canvas without my permission. Come talk to me first.
  • Work Ethic: I expect each student to make a good effort at all assigned work and be prepared for class by watching videos or completing pre-work as needed. There will be time to work on many assignments during the lab time, but you will need to spend additional time outside of class to complete assignments, projects, lab quizzes etc. 


Class Contract:

In order to best learn and work together respectively:

Students are responsible for: 

-Get assignments done on time

-Ask questions specifically during lab, be brave you are not the only one.

-In team work, each person doing their share.

-Be prepared for class, watch videos before lab and come with questions.

-Be kind to each other and understanding.

-Follow Academic Integrity Policies - use only authorized aids for assignments

-Keeping your CAD files organized, suggest in one place/folder


Instructor is responsible for: 

-clear concise list for each week what is due

-add dates to the weeks on canvas

-clear deadlines

-go over what types of questions are on the exams

-be active and available on Canvas Inbox and respond in 24 hours on weekdays

-Be prepared for class, review videos before lab 

-Be kind to each other and understanding.


Late work policy: Late work will be graded but not until the end of the semester. When in doubt communicate with me – communication gives you the benefit of the doubt. Attending class, actively listening, and taking notes is associated with better grades.


100 %

to 94.0%


< 94.0 %

to 90.0%


< 90.0 %

to 87.0%


< 87.0 %

to 84.0%


< 84.0 %

to 80.0%


< 80.0 %

to 77.0%


< 77.0 %

to 74.0%


< 74.0 %

to 70.0%


< 70.0 %

to 67.0%


< 67.0 %

to 64.0%


< 64.0 %

to 0.0%

Link to Class Schedule

University Policies

Student Conduct Code:

Appropriate classroom conduct promotes an environment of academic achievement and integrity.  Disruptive classroom behavior that substantially or repeatedly interrupts either the instructor's ability to teach, or student learning, is prohibited. Student are expected adhere to Board of Regents Policy.

Teaching & Learning: Instructor and Student Responsibilities:

UMD is committed to providing a positive, safe, and inclusive place for all who study and work here.  Instructors and students have mutual responsibility to insure that the environment in all of these settings supports teaching and learning, is respectful of the rights and freedoms of all members, and promotes a civil and open exchange of ideas. Reference the full policy here.

Academic Integrity:

Academic dishonesty tarnishes UMD’s reputation and discredits the accomplishments of students.  Academic dishonesty is regarded as a serious offense by all members of the academic community.  UMD’s Student Academic Integrity Policy

Final Exams:

All 1xxx-5xxx courses offered for undergraduate credit should include a final graded component or end of term evaluation that assesses the level of student achievement of one or more course objectives. Reference the full policy here

Excused Absences:

Students are expected to attend all scheduled class meetings.  It is the responsibility of students to plan their schedules to avoid excessive conflict with course requirements. However, there are legitimate and verifiable circumstances that lead to excused student absence from the classroom.  These are subpoenas, jury duty, military duty, religious observances, illness, bereavement, and NCAA varsity intercollegiate athletics. Find complete information here.

Appropriate Student Use of Class Notes and Course Materials:

Taking notes is a means of recording information but more importantly of personally absorbing and integrating the educational experience. However, broadly disseminating class notes beyond the classroom community or accepting compensation for taking and distributing classroom notes undermines instructor interests in their intellectual work product while not substantially furthering instructor and student interests in effective learning. Find additional information here.

Students with Disabilities

It is the policy and practice of the University of Minnesota Duluth to create inclusive learning environments for all students, including students with disabilities. If there are aspects of this course that result in barriers to your inclusion or your ability to meet course requirements such as time limited exams, inaccessible web content, or the use of non-captioned videos, please notify the instructor as soon as possible. You are also encouraged to contact the Office of Disability Resources to discuss and arrange reasonable accommodations. Call 218-726-6130 or visit the Disability Resources web site for more information.

Sexual Harassment

"Sexual harassment" means unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and/or other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature. Such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual's work or academic performance or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working or academic environment in any University activity or program. Such behavior is not acceptable in the University setting. Reference the full policy here.

Equity, Diversity, Equal Opportunity, and Affirmative Action

The University provides equal access to and opportunity in its programs and facilities, without regard to race, color, creed, religion, national origin, gender, age, marital status, disability, public assistance status, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression. The UMD Department of Human Resources & Equal Opportunity is available to all UMD employees, students, and participants in University-related activities to discuss issues or concerns regarding University policies or practices involving potential bias, discrimination, harassment or retaliation that an individual may have experienced or observed. Reference the full policy here.

Mental Health and Stress Management

Feelings such as anxiety, anger, depression, low self-esteem, or tension are a normal part of being human and can affect anyone. Sometimes these feelings are temporary and can be eased by rest, relaxation, exercise, good nutrition and the support of trusted friends. At other times, stressors, relationships or past family experiences cannot be managed so easily and become overwhelming. If this happens, and you find it hard to function, you may want to seek professional help. Counseling Services are available at UMD Health Services to assist you. If you are in need of mental health support when Health Services is closed, or in case of an emergency, please contact The Birch Tree Center's Crisis line at 218-623-1800 or go to the emergency room/urgent care at either St. Luke's Hospital or St. Mary's Hospital. If an ambulance is needed, call 911. If the emergency is non-life-threatening and you do not have a means of transportation, call Campus Police at 218-726-7000). If you have needs that Counseling Services does not treat, they have a case manager who helps connect students to referrals as well as navigating issues with insurance. You can learn more about the broad range of confidential mental health services available on campus at UMD Health Services.







Course Summary:

Date Details Due